Thursday 24 June 2010


A wealthy person sometimes can have same hobbies as a poor person. For example swimming. Of course, the wealthy person / family may have their own swimming pool.

Whereas the poor family might be able to use a public swimming pool. Depending where they live, they can enjoy the sea.

Sea Views from An Arvor

Swimming is a healthy hobby for the wealthy and the poor.

Other activities e.g. jogging is free for both. Tennis and other ball games are also affordable for everyone.

Some people (poor and wealthy) are Amateur Astronomer. The wealthy man has an expensive, powerful telescope and can enjoy excellent views of the stars / galaxies, including astrophotography.

Celestron Nexstar SE
With the Celestron Nexstar SE you can enjoy Jupiter, Neptune, Andromeda Galaxy and many 1000 more.




The poor, depending where they live, can enjoy the night sky without telescope. They also can spot Meteor Showers with the unaided eye or with binoculars. They can become a member of an Astronomy group. Members who have a telescope are happy to share their equipment at Astronomy nights or weekends. These events are arranged by the Manager of the group.
Celestron Nexstar SE

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