Monday 9 September 2013

Monday 5 July 2010


Well educated people can chose their career. Some people don't mind their education. They were not interested in learning something useful. They do odd jobs like rubbish collector, posting free newspapers or some do criminal activities - selling drugs. Uneducated women work as cleaner in houses, offices or hotels. The best people are those who have a University degree.

Cambridge University, United Kingdom

University, United Arab Emirates

They have a good chance to become wealthy. Many study to become a doctor or dentist. You can study biology to become a teacher or work in a laboratory. Also a good paid profession. Many study law to become a lawyer or judge. Astronomy or astrophysics is another interesting subject. Professors in astronomy study the stars, galaxies, the entire universe and its background radiation. These information will be passed on via TV documentation, news or magazines.

Horsehead Nebulae (photo with Hubble Space Telescope)

Some people chose to become an actor or pilot. To become an actor, you may want to join a drama school. To become a pilot, you have to join a flight school. It does not mean that university graduates have the chance to earn more than others. After 10 years a pilot can earn up to $50.000 per annum.

Many people inherited lots of money, houses, companies or land. They are directors and landlords. They rent and sell houses, they are the owners of companies. Most of them have a degree in business administration and in economy. They are very wealthy and can have everything. However, not every wealthy person is happy. They experience sadness, same as the poor. For example a parent passed away, a sibling or a wife / husband. Even a child may have passed away. They may not be very happy if their health is poor. They may have to take lots of medications or even injections. If a poor person is in bad health, the condition could become worth, as medical care is too far or not affordable.

Thursday 24 June 2010

Generosity And Calamity

Some wealthy and some poor people are very generous. I will give examples of my own experience. Many years ago I spend my vacation in Thailand. Whilst walking through a little village, a Thai lady names Sulaika asked: "where are you going". I answered: "I am looking for a shop, I have to buy many things because I miss my bag". Sulaika: "where do you live"? I answered: "I stay at the hotel over there and my bag was not at the airport. The airport desk assistant promised that my bag will be at the hotel in 1 or 2 days". To my surprise, Sulaika understood and spoke English quite well. She said that she had a good teacher and invited me in to her house. She offered tea and showed me her family photo album. After she escorted me to the hotel and began chatting with the Receptionist in Thai. The Receptionist called the airport and the next day I was reunited with my bag. Sulaika came to see me and I had a gift for her to respect her generosity. We went back to her house, where she offered a good deal as follows: she said: "The hotel is very expensive, do you want to stay in my sister house"? I requested: "Where is your sister's house"? We went outside just a few meters next to hers was her sister's. She introduced me to her sister names Meo. We viewed the small, warm room and I accepted. A great experience spending time and getting to know the culture.

Experience from Emirates: Some years ago I enjoyed a bus journey with my son along the Abu Dhabi desert to Madina Zayed. My son began a conversation with a passenger, who worked for the police. He invited us to his family (2 wives, 8 kids). I never forget the kind hospitality and generosity his wives offered.

Here is a true story of a British man, who was very wealthy. This man had a lovely family, 2 daughters and a wife. A large house in the nice country site, horses and brand new cars. He was a business man with a high income. During the year 2009 his company faced redundancy and he found himself highly in debt. He could not come to terms with financial advisers to sell his house. One evening he was at his brother's, also a very wealthy man. James, the family man left his brother's house at night and drove back to his house. Now, the horrible truth about this sad story. He became mad and pured petrol around the house, where his family and the horses were sleeping. Then he lit the fire - killed everything that was alive.

Another true story of an American man: Wealthy, married with kids. He was so wealthy, he didn't know what to do with his money. He was extremely selfish, began to drink more alcohol and most of the time he spend in casinos. Finally his wife divorced him. Then he went to Las Vegas, lived in expensive hotels, drunk a lot of alcohol and spend in top casinos. One evening he lost all his money and he checked into a cheap motel. There was a prostitute who cared for him. She tried her best to make him stop drinking. But he became very ill and died.

I know very wealthy generous Saudi people. Their Government takes care of companies and sends monthly amounts of money to the poor. In addition, a wealthy man gave part of his own money to a charity organization. They helped many poor, hungry and starving people in Africa.


A wealthy person sometimes can have same hobbies as a poor person. For example swimming. Of course, the wealthy person / family may have their own swimming pool.

Whereas the poor family might be able to use a public swimming pool. Depending where they live, they can enjoy the sea.

Sea Views from An Arvor

Swimming is a healthy hobby for the wealthy and the poor.

Other activities e.g. jogging is free for both. Tennis and other ball games are also affordable for everyone.

Some people (poor and wealthy) are Amateur Astronomer. The wealthy man has an expensive, powerful telescope and can enjoy excellent views of the stars / galaxies, including astrophotography.

Celestron Nexstar SE
With the Celestron Nexstar SE you can enjoy Jupiter, Neptune, Andromeda Galaxy and many 1000 more.




The poor, depending where they live, can enjoy the night sky without telescope. They also can spot Meteor Showers with the unaided eye or with binoculars. They can become a member of an Astronomy group. Members who have a telescope are happy to share their equipment at Astronomy nights or weekends. These events are arranged by the Manager of the group.
Celestron Nexstar SE

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Criminal Activity And Wealth

Some very poor people become criminals to gain lots of wealth. They use computers at Internet Cafe to contact lonely people in wealthy countries. They go on dating websites and contact their target as follows: they send a photo of a good looking man and they write everything that matches the ladies requirements. The photo they have downloaded from any website. It is not of themselves. Example of cyber crime:

A lonely widow decided to seek a new partner via an Internet Dating Agency. 'A handsome American contacted her via e-mail'. The widow saw his photo and found him very attractive. After several days of communicating, he promised to come to see her. But then, suddenly he said that he is in Iraq, hold as a hostage. He would need $20.000 to have his freedom and come to see her. The lady felt very sorry and as she was very lonely and depressed, she decided to send him the money. He again wrote that he needs another $30.000 as they demand. They lady would have to sell her house in order to send him another lot of money.

Cyber Crime

Cyber Crime is one of the fastest growing criminal activity on the planet. Fraud Investigators detected that something does not seem normal with the Lady's financial activities. Through further investigation the Detective finally got hold of the suspect. The suspect was very wealthy with a large house, swimming pool, brand new modern cars etc. He betrayed several other women, sending false Identity photos and making up a story to gain lots of money. The police arrested him.

The lady cried and said she was so depressed, she believed him.

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Lots Of Money

Are you very wealthy and earn more than $50.000 per annum? Do you live in your own large, posh villa with garden and swimming pool? Do you have the car of your choice? All your family members have a car too ?

If you have your own company / business, then you could have $100.000 per annum. Some millionaires and billionaires expand their business and open a car company / shop and sell cars, buy and sell houses. Some good example of cars:

Land Rover $66.640

Mercedes Benz $28.400

What can you do with lots of money? People with a good heart would donate part of their money. For example many animals are in need , especially Elephants and Rhinos (

Many humans in Africa, Ethiopia, are in need. A millionaire or billionaire could hire professional people to build a children's hospital. Then he could hire Surgeons, Doctors and Nurses. He could buy all the hospital equipment required, including medications.

Recently I've seen a TV documentation of children with facial deformities in Ethiopia. British Surgeons and other Surgeons / Doctors visited the place in order to operate on many of these children. Some of these children can live a normal life now, whereas before they had difficulties eating and speaking.

Many wealthy people complain about their appearance due to age. They go for plastic surgery in order to look younger or better. Some don't like their nose or cheek bones, lips etc. Expensive plastic surgery is a welcome solution for such people. Now you have a glimpse of the real world.

Of course I respect people who go for plastic surgery to look younger or better. I also would donate part of my money to the poor, who are in real need.