Well educated people can chose their career. Some people don't mind their education. They were not interested in learning something useful. They do odd jobs like rubbish collector, posting free newspapers or some do criminal activities - selling drugs. Uneducated women work as cleaner in houses, offices or hotels. The best people are those who have a University degree.
Cambridge University, United Kingdom
University, United Arab Emirates
They have a good chance to become wealthy. Many study to become a doctor or dentist. You can study biology to become a teacher or work in a laboratory. Also a good paid profession. Many study law to become a lawyer or judge. Astronomy or astrophysics is another interesting subject. Professors in astronomy study the stars, galaxies, the entire universe and its background radiation. These information will be passed on via TV documentation, news or magazines.
Horsehead Nebulae (photo with Hubble Space Telescope)
Some people chose to become an actor or pilot. To become an actor, you may want to join a drama school. To become a pilot, you have to join a flight school. It does not mean that university graduates have the chance to earn more than others. After 10 years a pilot can earn up to $50.000 per annum.
Many people inherited lots of money, houses, companies or land. They are directors and landlords. They rent and sell houses, they are the owners of companies. Most of them have a degree in business administration and in economy. They are very wealthy and can have everything. However, not every wealthy person is happy. They experience sadness, same as the poor. For example a parent passed away, a sibling or a wife / husband. Even a child may have passed away. They may not be very happy if their health is poor. They may have to take lots of medications or even injections. If a poor person is in bad health, the condition could become worth, as medical care is too far or not affordable.